In 2008, a psychic medium told me (Peter) that my Angel Guide was standing beside me and was anxious to speak with me. Apparently, I was missing out on some of the more important things in life and, despite many hints being dropped in my path, I was not getting the message.
After a few months of occasional conversations with this ethereal being who, in fact, was full of helpful advice for me and my family, I asked that I be taught to communicate directly without the help of the psychic medium. The Spirit agreed and taught me how to train my brain to receive her thoughts. It took a few years of working at it, including Advanced Intuitive Workshops with Master Psychic Medium James Van Praagh, but the result is my ability to communicate clearly with “the other side” and particularly with my Angel Guide, who now encourages me to offer her guidance to others. Since this is a skill that needs to be used to stay dependable, I would greatly appreciate the participation of anyone who might benefit from the insight of a wise and compassionate source.
Since I have been very fortunate in my life, I have decided to provide others help in this way free of charge.